Maryborough District Health Service welcomes you to our maternity service. Our extraordinary team has designed every part of the maternity experience especially for the women and families of our region. Women just like you.
When you’re preparing for a baby it makes a big difference to have someone you know and trust there with you every step of the way.
At MDHS you and your family will be connected with a trained midwife who will work with you to ensure your needs and wishes are met around your pregnancy, birth and care after your baby is born.
Our midwives can coordinate your care with other health practitioners including your GP. They are supported by a team of general practitioner obstetricians who are linked with the larger regional hospitals for advice and referral when needed.
The safety of you and your baby are our number one priority.

Our story
Find out more about our gold standard maternity model of care.
Meet Chloe, Mitch and Bonnie and their midwife Rhiannan.
Hear more about the Maryborough Model from our clinical educator.
Our maternity unit is based at Maryborough Hospital.
Contact us to find out how we can support your pregnancy and birthing journey, and to arrange a tour of our birthing unit.