The pregnancy journey
Whether this is your first pregnancy or you’ve birthed before, our team of midwives are here to support you through every stage of your pregnancy. After your first appointment with us, you’ll be supported by one midwife all the way along, forming a trusting relationship with someone who knows you and cares about your needs and wishes.
If you have not already seen a general practitioner to confirm your pregnancy you can make an appointment with your doctor.
Your GP will order routine early pregnancy tests and refer you to the service where you would like to receive your pregnancy care.
If you don’t have a local GP you can still self-refer yourself to MDHS – just make an appointment to come and see us.

Yes. Many babies are born at MDHS every year.
You can deliver your baby here if you have a healthy pregnancy and your baby is well. You can deliver naturally or by caesarian section.
Even if you are not planning on birthing your baby at MDHS but live locally, we recommend letting us know you’re pregnant and making an appointment to come and have a chat.
That’s because you can work with the same midwife throughout your pregnancy and at home after your baby is born. This will help keep you and your baby safe and ensure your needs and wishes are met.
If you or your baby need additional care during or after birth, we can refer you to a larger hospital – usually Ballarat or Bendigo Base Hospital.
If your baby is born at a larger hospital you can still access our midwifery care during pregnancy and after your baby is born.

All pregnant women are recommended to book into a service or carer that specialises in pregnancy care between 10-16 weeks of pregnancy.
This might be hospital-based care, a private obstetrician or a general obstetrician in the community.
At your first appointment with your midwife, the timing of future visits and a care plan will be discussed with you.
Our support will include blood tests, ultrasounds, advice and referrals if you need them, to ensure you stay well during your pregnancy.
You are welcome to call your midwife between appointments if you need support or have questions.
Your partner, family member or other support person is an important part of your pregnancy journey and are very welcome to attend appointments with you.
COVID-19 has meant many changes in the hospital system but things are slowly returning to normal.
The best way to know about what the current guidelines are is to ask regularly at your routine appointments.
Your midwife will also ensure you’re up-to-date with current regulations.
You can also check any changes to hospital entry requirements before you go.
Hospital-based maternity care is covered by Medicare. This means that for anyone with a Medicare card there is no cost for care during pregnancy, birth or after your baby is born when you access care with doctors or midwives at a public hospital.
Care with a GP may have some costs associated.
A private obstetrician will have costs that they will inform you about prior to commencing your care.
Next: Giving birth →