Giving birth is a natural and normal process. While every pregnancy and delivery is unique, our team is very experienced, caring and committed to ensuring the safety of you and your baby throughout the pregnancy and birth.
The midwife who has been with you throughout your pregnancy will also be with you for the birth. If for some reason they are not able to attend, you will be supported by another midwife who you also know and trust.
Your midwifery team will be supported by a general practitioner obstetrician and a larger multi-disciplinary team as needed.
We will ensure that your wishes and needs are met throughout the birth. Everything from pain management to your cultural needs are taken into consideration to ensure you feel safe, comfortable and cared for.
You are welcome to have up to two additional people with you during the birth: your partner, a family member, friend or another person who you wish to have present.
Yes MDHS has theatre facilities for elective and emergency caesarian sections that are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
You will be safe and supported no matter what happens during the birth of your baby.
Your midwife will work with the general practitioner obstetrician and a wider team of experts to coordinate your care.
If you need specialist or emergency support you will be transferred to a larger hospital – usually Ballarat or Bendigo Hospital.
You will be consulted throughout this process: your safety, needs and wishes are our number one priority.
Your midwife will continue to provide support after the birth of your baby.
Your midwife will make a plan with you during your pregnancy for going home after your baby is born.
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