MDHS Babies – Case Study
Meet Chloe Wardlaw, Mitch Olassen and little Bonnie…
For Chloe Wardlaw, having her first baby at Maryborough Hospital in September 2022 was a full circle moment. She was born in Maryborough, and her sister had birthed there too.
When Chloe found out she was pregnant her local GP, Dr Daniel de Villiers, referred her to Maryborough District Health Service’s maternity team.
At their first visit, Chloe and her partner Mitch Olassen met Rhiannan Haintz, and were overjoyed when they found she would become their primary midwife. “She made us feel comfortable and supported, and was available 24/7 for any questions we had,” said Chloe.
Chloe and Mitch formed a special bond with Rhiannan and the team of midwives who supported them every step of the way. Chloe also liked the convenience of being close to home, and was able to fit in appointments around her work schedule.
Bonnie was born at Maryborough hospital. Chloe and Mitch felt they were kept well informed and included in decision-making with the doctor and midwife. During the labour Rhiannan stayed at the hospital and was available anytime – “even at 3am in the morning. She said ring me any time,” said Chloe.
Bonnie weighed in at 8 pounds 7 ounces. “It was pretty special to finally meet Bonnie and to hear her first cry. I cried a lot,” said Chloe.
While initially nervous about leaving the hospital, Chloe and Mitch were surprised to find they settled in quickly at home. The first-time parents said they loved the home visits and caring guidance from the midwives on everything from Bonnie’s first bath to feeding.
When Bonnie was three weeks old, she was ready to transition to the maternal and child health nurses – a bittersweet moment. “I felt a bit sad to let go. Rhi and the team had become such a big part of our life, and the care we received from everyone was amazing,” said Chloe.
The team is only a phone call away, and will love seeing Bonnie grow up in the town.